Project CAPTA

Climate Neutrality: role of Blue Carbon on the coast of Portugal and Galicia

Interreg VI-A Spain-Portugal Program (POCTEP) 2021-2027

Interreg VI-A Spain-Portugal Program (POCTEP) 2021-2027. The POCTEP programme promotes development and cross-border cooperation with FEDER funds along the Spain-Portugal border. The Interreg Spain-Portugal programme (POCTEP) 2021-2027 is the the EU´s largest transboundary cooperation programme, with a total budget of 427 million euros (ERDF for projects of 299 million).
It has been prepared by the Member States of Spain and Portugal to address key challenges in the border area between both countries. Its drafting has taken into account the previous diagnosis of the current situation of the cooperation area, the strategic references that affect it, the principles of partnership and multilevel governance, and the results of the strategic environmental assessment.

Interreg VI-A Spain-Portugal Program (POCTEP) 2021-2027

Total project cost: 1.677.762,25 €

FEDER funds: 1.258.321.69 €

Duration: 01/07/2023 a 31/12/2026


You want to know more?

Other interesting information, that is, techniques that are used, explanations about blue carbon and so on, clarifications of concepts with images and photos.

Projects of interest in the BLUE CARBON ECOSYSTEMS theme. 


Blue Natura Andalucía pertenece al Subprograma de Acción por el Clima dentro del Programa LIFE que consta de tres áreas prioritarias: mitigación del cambio climático, adaptación al cambio climático y gobernanza e información climáticas, perteneciendo este proyecto a la primera de las citadas.

LIFE Albufera

Los objetivos del Proyecto son aumentar de forma coordinada la eficacia de los tres humedales artificiales para cumplir con ese triple objetivo (mejorar la calidad de agua de la laguna, aportar hábitats renaturalizados y proteger las aves del humedal) recogido en las directivas que constituyen su fin último.


Rebuilding Portuguese marine forests and valuing their ecosystems services


C-BLUES is a Horizon Europe Framework project funded under the call for EU-China international cooperation on blue carbon.

Gulbenkian Blue Carbon

This project aims at mapping and characterising the blue carbon ecosystems of mainland Portugal and at promoting investment in the conservation and restoration of these ecosystems.

This website has been co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund FEDER through the Interreg VI-A Spain-Portugal Program (POCTEP) 2021-2027. The opinions are the exclusive responsibility of the author who issues them.